"Enrich your baby's environment with the Gymini Super Deluxe Mat. Bold colors and many tactile features are sure to engage the baby as they discover their new world. Classical music will stimulate their senses. The lights on the mat will encourage tummy time play. This is designed for birth and up."
So, as you may have noticed on this blog, I do book reviews as a part of blog tours (and can explain that term if you want me to). I won a "best review" award for one of my reviews and used the winnings to purchase this mat off Amazon for my son.
The Good
I absolutely adore this mat! It lives up to every single promise mentioned not only in the manufacturer's description, but also in the description provided by Google. By the way, I promise I'm not being paid for this posting...I just love this mat sooooooo much!
First, I love its bright colors. A lot of baby products come in pukey pastels (can you tell I'm not a pastel fan?) that remind me way too much of Easter. Not this mat - it is eye-catching, beautiful, and fun to look at for both baby and Momma.
Third, the aforementioned hanging toys are easily detachable from the mat. This means that we can easily adhere them to Drexel's carseat or the diaper bag, thereby having them handy when we go out of the house somewhere. He has a familiar toy and is thus more comfortable in an unfamiliar situation, and we know where there are toys that he likes. Also, this mat folds up and secures with snaps very easily - I love that it is easy to store and/or transport!
The Bugly
The only nitpicky things that I have to say about this mat are that the music box does not have a volume control (most kids toys don't, and that annoys me), and the music is repetitive (though not as badly so as many children's toys). That's it. I love this mat, and can truly and honestly find no other faults in it...except that now that Drexel is beginning to crawl I kind of wish it were a little bigger.
Overall, as has been stated already, I LOVE this mat. My son has made huge leaps forward in hand-eye coordination due to playing with the hanging toys and grab-able parts. He loves it, I love it, my husband comments how much Drexel loves it. We all just love it. :)
On a 1 to 10 rating scale, I give this product a 10!!
Play mats are good investment for babies need. Its very useful and the baby can use it for a long until it grows up.