I've reviewed Owlet (the prequel to this here book), and was simply delighted by this sequel!! What would you do if your soul was part bird? What bird would you want to be and why?
Hey hey hey - as long as you are here, you might as well follow my blog as well. : ) (Link to do so is on the side...) :P
"Somewhere between falling and flying…you will find the truth.
The truth is being unveiled and Iris’ past is unlike anything she ever could have guessed. For Stryx, finding your missing half doesn’t always mean finding your mate. Iris has been missing a part of herself for so long that no one is sure she will be able to put the pieces back together and her ever reliable dreams may be forcing her astray. Coping with the death of someone she loved, she is forced to face the truth and break free from the lies that have caged her."
Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal, Romance
ISBN: 9780985792244
Pages: 158
Release: October 13, 2012
Publisher: Tribute Books

Emma Michaels is the author of the ‘A Sense of Truth’ and ‘Society of Feathers’ series. Her goal with her latest YA series the 'Society of Feathers' is to give others what she did not have growing up; a strong female protagonist with asthma. While her previous aspiration was to be a lady knight she realized that not being able to run more than a few feet might become a hindrance so turned to writing instead. Her day jobs include being a cover artist, marketing consultant and silk screen designer.
As the founder of The Writers Voice blog (http://OurBooksOurVoice. Blogspot.com) she loves to connect authors and readers. As a book blogger turned author, she was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, until she moved at eighteen to Washington State. Suddenly, the world was a new place filled with tall green trees that reached further for the sky with every moment, making her want to do the same. Ever since, she has tried to make her life something new and different from what it was before, pursuing her future career, setting high goals and reaching for them. With the support of her fiancé, Chihuahua, and her amazing blog followers and fellow bloggers, she wants to prove to the world that anything is possible and help inspire fellow literary lovers to reach for their dreams.
As the founder of The Writers Voice blog (http://OurBooksOurVoice.
Revenge, a need for understanding, and learning to lean on others as
necessary whilst figuring out who to trust appear to be common trends
in much of today's fiction. What happens, however, when you throw in
a secret society, love, twisted and tangled webs of deception, and a
twist that may take your breath away? Eyrie.
Overall, I give this book a 4 out of 5, and here is why:
Overall, I give this book a 4 out of 5, and here is why:
The Good
Eyris is the beautiful sequel to Owlet, a story about a young
lady who is trying to figure out who she is. Not an easy task for
any young woman, but it turns out to be something especially
difficult for Iris, as she discovers that she is the last of a
precious bloodline for a secret society whose members are part human
and part bird.
And she has asthma.
This asthma necessarily limits her physical mobility, despite her
being an Owlet, but does not limit her in any other way. Now that
she has embraced her Owlet side and is well on her way to fully
realizing her abilities and talents, Iris has discovered a remarkable
penchant for seeing to the truth of things...and for being able to
enter the mind of another through touch.
Now, before I give away too much, know that much of what I said about
the first book is also true here. Scrolly text would still describe
Michaels' writing style very well. It feels scrolly and as though it
would look perfect scribed into ancient parchment. The plot clips
along at a reasonable pace that perfectly matches what is going on.
Readers are not left hanging trying to figure out what happened and
why – we are always clued in to others motivations and exactly what
is going on. Of course, we see inside Iris' mind a little more than
other characters, but that is to be expected. The plot feels a little flat in places, but not sure how I'd fix it.
I must say, for trying to weave a work that blends birds and people,
I think Michael did a pretty good job. I'm pretty picky about
science fiction, being a real-life science lover as well as lover of
anything to do with Star Trek, Stargate, BSG, Buffy, TVD, LOTR, etc
(I keep telling my hubby that I really must make it to Comic-con at
some point). Now that I sound like a sci-fi snob, let me say this: I
really really like how Michael's has integrated human and bird
aspects in the individuals within this work. It just works...and
made me want to keep reading.
continued the original story well and is consistent to the original
plot (no small feat for sequels) while being interesting in its own
right as its own book. Now, this is not a stand-alone book. There
is a very clear cliff-hanger that nearly made me pounce out of my
seat when I realized that is where the book ended, and it clearly is
the continuation of a story. Michael's obviously assumes that anyone
reading Eyrie has read
Owlet, and this is not
a bad thing (the Lord of the Rings
books are not stand-alone either). Merely an observation.
The Bugly (bad/ugly)I'm happy to report that one of my bugly's from the prequel to Eyrie didn't bug me nearly as much here, perhaps because my brain was a bit more used to the world that Iris inhabits. Regardless, the need for a glossary to keep bloodlines and such straight was somewhat lessened. It feels as though those are actually fairly clearly laid out here, though I did lose track of a few things and had to backtrack a bit.
That being said, the characters still sounded exactly like one another. They are not distinct enough for my liking. Yeah yeah, I gripe on this a lot. Yeah, I know how hard it is to keep voices distinct from one another (some day I'll be brave enough to show ya'll some of my fiction writing). But yeah, it distracts me when I feel as though I have to back up and figure out when the last “he said” was so I can figure out who is talking now.
Oh, and sentence structure falls apart at least once or twice per chapter. There were a few lines where I thought I was pretty sure what the idea was...but got lost in confused clauses. Grammar is important, and this bugged me a lot (and frankly is why my score for the work is one point lower than it would be otherwise). I'm not saying I'm a grammar queen - clearly, if you read this my grammar is off in places as well - but in an edited work it annoyed me.
OVERALL - I really liked this book. It is a good, simple read that goes pretty quickly and is engaging on a level that engages the imagination in a pretty cool way. It has its flaws...but so does Iris. Are these flaws disguised strengths as they are for Iris? You decide!
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